glittering summer days

dirty feet. water balloons. a wet kitchen floor.

i am having a staring contest with my messy house.

things get a little bit crazy around here when mama is not feeling well. 

i have slowed way down.

like snail slow….

 when you lose your health (even if temporarily), things sort of shift into proper perspective (with God’s grace).

and suddenly you hang desperately onto something as small as teaching the baby how to tell if a cantaloupe is ripe…because that’s important.

at least it’s important to me.

so what if the stuffing is coming out of the couch….i can deal with that later.

right now we are enjoying these glittering days of summer:

a very empty calendar (by choice!!!) = time to create.

butterfly craft found here.

i had way too much fun punching all. those. butterflies. out!!!!!

and she, well, she is the artist. so there were pages of watercolors…

the pottery…well, that is courtesy of our local pottery shop which holds children’s classes….

yes, this is me screaming…”look how talented my daughter is!!!”

what can i say? i really love watching my children blossom. 

and make things.

(that is a decorative wine-cork-topper btw. a painted button glued into the top of a cork.)

i think it is (one of the many) very special components of homeschooling…dabbling in this and that…

and we do dabble…

speaking of my daughter…she went and turned 12 on me last month…did i mention that?

how dare she!

my june bug.

but what a lovely person she is turning out to be!

donning an apron and whipping up some sort of yummy baked (or not) concoction at least every other day is something that has me in awe these days…i am impressed.

and not just because her peanut butter cookies are so good!

i am impressed because of the little woman she is turning out to be.

useful. joyful. and so faithful.

these are the things i see during this time of pulling back…

and because there are so many things to say “yes” to these days…it is hard.

but i want to say more yeses to these…

these gap-toothed smiles.

and inquiring minds.

so worthy of my attention.

i often feel like there must be some well-adjusted woman out there who i was meant to be

a woman who has her act together and cruises through her days….

but until i find her…i will soak up every moment i can….staring at faces with pink cheeks and scratches from the kitty…reading stories and laughing.

because it won’t be long before these glittering summer days will be gone….

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7 thoughts on “glittering summer days

  1. Amen!

    What a gift from God your daughter is. LUVed reading this post. Hope you feel better and keep posting these reminders to count our blessings.

  2. This was beautiful and wonderful … just like you!


  3. annita on said:

    I agree… beautiful and wonderful. Love your photography and your words! Feel better!

  4. Your kids are the cutest most darling things! Our children are often where we find our deepest resources for the honest capacity to love. They give us the extra energy we need to keep on keeping on . . . their youth and hopes and dreams encourage us, don’t they? Yes, I think so. You inspire me with your words. I’m so glad and blessed I can claim you as a friend. {{{hugs}}}

  5. I’m just still getting the hang of slowing down, and noticing all the little things that my children love to do.

    That pottery is amazing!!

  6. a beautiful post, regan. “I often feel as if there must be some well-adjusted woman out there whom i was meant to be…” me too. me too. i like your strategy, though.

  7. Hope you’re feeling better, great pics! Happy sunny summer 🙂

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