

i am not really sure just what it is we are planning. at first it was a little party. excuse me. a tiny party. and i only paid $7- for it on clearance at michael’s. but then when she found out rebecca was coming, due to great-grandma’s generosity, suddenly the whole thing has become more about rebecca. what will she wear? where will she sleep? what day can she be opened? on the actual day of her birthday? or the “party” day. i know there is a ton of controversy surrounding these dolls. and i don’t even like knowing that someone else is spending their hard-earned money on just a doll. but at this point, when i see the sheer glee on her face. delight at the prospect of playing with this doll, it is worth it. because she won’t be this “tiny” forever.

so don’t tell her i am kind of excited too. i bought a pattern a while back-if only i can find it because of the move-for some dolly dresses and night gowns. and of course she’ll need an apron. and a purse. i want to finish her quilt. and………ahem. i know rebecca is not mine. but what can i say? i don’t mind having something to do. after all, it is summer vacation.




and besides. this



is what i have to deal with in between all of the fun stuff. trying to make tiny party hats for people who don’t take well to other people having parties. birthdays or otherwise. period. and all of mama’s attention. people who even after you go to the trouble of making them their very own tiny party hat. out of green paper. they end up using it as a “dinosaur horn.”

now where is that doll. and when will she be here………..



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5 thoughts on “planning

  1. Cute wee hats, love! Love it, love it, love it! That boys eyes are just gorgeous!

    I know what you mean. I don’t mind making blankets and things for dolls either . . . 🙂

  2. Okay, it’s my own fault for not visiting sooner, but I feel like I got punched in the gut this morning when I read those three sad little words…”goodbye little house.” WHAT?!?

    I’m calming down now that I’m here, but it’s still sad. I’m very happy, though, to see that you haven’t really gone away. You’ve just moved. Moving is something I understand quite well. I hope all your moving, real and virtual, goes smoothly.

    Bless you, little house friend.

  3. looks like fun! i hadnt seen rebecca. i thought julie was the latest historical character. i agree. . .spending that much on a doll is excessive. my mom excessively buys them for my daughters for christmas though.

  4. making doll clothes is definately an activity much loved at our house, skirts are super easy and are a great way to use scraps!
    cute party idea!

  5. A tiny party. How cute!! I hope she has a great time. My oldest got Kit for Christmas, thanks to Grandpa, and to see her face when she unwrapped the paper … It was the most precious! She was so overwhelmed with joy. It’s been all about Kit every since, but it has died down a bit, much to my husband’s relief! She wants the doll quilt, and I told her that maybe I could make her one. At first, she wasn’t so sure, but now I think I’ve convinced her … I thought it’d be good sewing practice for me. Maybe I can eventually try some doll clothes, too … I never had anything like an AG doll when I was a girl, so it’s kind of fun … And I know it won’t last forever, so I’ll enjoy this girly pastime with her while I can.

    P.S. Your son’s expressions are so awesome! And your words about the dinosaur horn made me laugh =) Have a great weekend!

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